Know the HVAC filters and how to choose the right one.

Air filters have an indispensable role in the heating and cooling process. It is often the overlooked component in an HVAC system. Actually, performance and indoor comfort are largely dependent on air filters. What most of us think that the filters do not need to give much prominence? But it’s not the fact. Here explains about the air filters and why this component that you think as minor is critical to the functioning of the heating and cooling system.

Know the HVAC filters and how to choose the right one

The Function of Air Filters

Made of twisted fiberglass material or a pleated paper or cloth, an air filter’s basic function is to clean the air that moves around through the heating and cooling system. Filters trap and hold many types of separate particles and contaminants that could affect health and comfort. These include

– Dust and dirt

– Pollen

– Mold and its spores

– Fibers and lint

– Metal, plaster or wood particles

– Hair and animal fur

– Bacteria and microorganisms

Filtration generally occurs when exhausted air is brought back into the HVAC unit to be conditioned and distributed again. When it passes through the air filter, it removes the particles and other contaminants from the air. Finally what you get is a healthy air and optimum temperature in the room or building.

MERV Ratings and Filter efficiency

As you might think, not all air filters are efficient and produce the desired effects. That too has its own standards and rating. Not all air filters work with the same level of efficiency. High-quality filters, though it is a bit expensive, will be more helpful in removing the pollutants from the indoor air.

Filter efficiency is often marked by its “minimum efficiency reporting value” or MERV rating. Standard values range from 1 to 16, as the number indicates how effective the filters is to remove the dust from the air. Higher the MERV rating for the filters better the filtration.

MERV 1-4: The filters that fall in between the 1 to 4 rating, provide the basic level of filtration at low cost.

MERV 6-8: The filters that come in the rating of 6 to 8 are commonly used filters, particularly in the residential systems. It offers good filtration compared to the previous one. These are often made of twisted cloth or paper to provide more surfaces for capturing contaminants.

MERV 9-12: These are the mid-range filters that are of high quality and is able to capture the particles of 1 micron or larger.

MERV 13-16: These are the high-efficiency filters that are able to remove very small particles of 0.3 microns or larger.

Higher rating filtration filters are available (higher than 16). These are effective and are thick and highly dense in nature. When used, these filters can interfere with airflow inside your home’s HVAC equipment. These high rated filters can affect the heating and cooling efficiency and can damage the HVAC system by limiting the airflow. It is to understand your HAVC unit can handle the higher MERV filters before installing.

Separate air filtration and purification systems are available that can be installed along with your HVAC unit. These air cleaners provide superior air cleaning using high-quality filters. Check with your HVAC provider to see if an air purification system is the right choice for you.

Air Filter Maintenance

It is through the air filters the air that heat and cool passes in an HVAC system. For this reason, it is critical that you keep clean filters regularly in the unit. Dirty Filters are one reason for the unit to malfunction and in the extreme, it can damage the heating and cooling equipment.

How dirty filters affect system performance?

Dirty filters can reduce the airflow inside the system that results in the overworking of air handling fans and quicker wear down.

Dirty air filters fail in removing the contaminants and particles effectively, which let these materials to enter into the indoor air again.

Dirty filters cause the pollutants to gather in the system’s ductwork. It causes the unit to work harder, leading to high energy usage and unnecessarily increasing the monthly energy bills.

When you feel that if there is any fluctuation in the cooling and heating, it can be assumed that the air filter is dirty. An HVAC maintenance Kuwait provider can figure it out if the filters are dirty enough to be replaced or maintained. Advanced Services, Kuwait in Kuwait is a reputable name with years of experience in the domain of HVAC design, installation, and maintenance.