Managing ideal Indoor humidity for maximum comfort

There are various factors that need to be taken into consideration for the perfect balance of comfort in home or office. Never overlook the important aspect of managing the humidity in an office or home. The levels of relative humidity can affect the comfort of your home as well as the proper functioning of heating and cooling units. Managing indoor humidity should be the top priority for every house owner particularly when it comes to customizing the heating and cooling preferences.

Managing ideal Indoor humidity for maximum comfort

Here are some reasons why the AC is not up to the task

Your system is too large for space

The cooling capacity of the AC defines its capability. When you talk about AC size, cooling capacity matters and not the physical size of the unit. You may think that a big size unit performs its job effectively and provide better HVAC humidity control as well as cooling.

Unluckily the answer is “No”. The fact is, a huge AC system does a poor job of controlling both temperature and humidity. That’s because the powerful compressor turns on an off frequently, so the system never runs long enough to remove humidity from the air.

The size of AC needs to sensibly calculated using load calculation process. If your AC was chosen and installed by a non-professional rather than a qualified HVAC professional, a good chance is that it was done inaccurately. That is the reason why many end up with oversized units that offer poor HVAC humidity control. You may actually need to install a smaller capacity AC system to fix this problem.

Negative air pressure in your area

Negative air pressure is the result of a badly designed ventilation system. In short, it means that you are expelling too much air from the space. That can happen, for example, in a restaurant with a powerful kitchen exhaust system.

If it seems that there is negative pressure, the system tries to balance the air by trying to draw in more outside air. The outside air let in through every little opening in the building. So what if the relative humidity in the outside air is high, all that humid air will draw into the room. If the air is too humid your system can’t keep up and humidity control is compromised. The solution is to make changes to the ventilation design.

When using the wrong thermostat setting

You may think that you can bring respite to humidity by using the thermostat’s ‘fan on’ setting. By doing so, you are letting the fan to run continuously even when the AC is not running. This makes the humidity worse. You can end up blowing the moisture your AC has removed back into space before it has a chance to drain away.

Your older unit simply can’t handle the load

Like in other machinery, aging affects the HVAC system as well. The parts may not run as it used to. You face these kinds of problems when the unit is not regularly maintained. Besides to varying temperatures and insufficient cooling, you’ll start to notice poor HVAC humidity control.

At this point, you may reach a decision either to repair or replace the system. Can making any improvements in the system restore its performance or is it time to replace? It is better to have your system examined by a professional HVAC expert and they can decide if it’s better to replace or repair.

Get a preventive maintenance plan to enhance HVAC humidity control

There are some ways you can try with the help of an HVAC technician to manage the humidity level. Cleaning the coils and adjusting the air flow can improve system performance and efficiency. There would be other aspects as well that need to be addressed for effective maintenance of humidity than cleaning the coils and airflow adjusting.

One such move that touches every element of the system is to invest in a preventive maintenance plan. With that, you can be sure that your system gets a regular inspection, tune-up, and cleaning of all system parts. Doing so let the system to provide better indoor humidity. Maintenance also spots and fix the long-standing issues before they get worse and cause the system to fail fully.

Advanced Services, Kuwait leverage its experience to improve uptime by way of preventive or regular maintenance in Kuwait. From home heating and cooling assessments to simple upgrades to a high level of maintenance solutions the advanced services is your best resource for all your heating and cooling needs. If you would like to know better about their services and solutions including HVAC maintenance and repairs, installations, upgrades, and AMC and other services they offer you can have a visit to their website.