Know About Various HVAC Operations

The purpose of HVAC is to provide heating and cooling inside a building. It is responsible for providing fresh outdoor air to dilute interior airborne contaminants emitted from interior furnishings, chemicals, etc. A properly designed system will provide a comfortable indoor environment year-round when properly maintained. They have become the industry standards for the new constructions – now the buildings are incomplete without the proper heating, ventilating and air-conditioning systems.


Most of us know that the HVAC is responsible for indoor comfort, but are ignorant about how these systems are being operated. Here define the types of HVAC systems that vary in their operations.

Heat Pumps

It is the heat pump that maintains a comfortable temperature while reducing the humidity inside the room. It pulls out the heat from the outdoor (cold space) during winter, and then warms and release it into a room to control the temperature inside. The heating pumps don’t release much air outside as a cooling system would do, but it drives the air back into the room to get heated. Heat pumps can be used to cool room, by reversing the flow of air to eject the heated air that has been brought into the system. The parts of a heat pump include the compressor, control board, coils, refrigerant, reversing valves, the accumulator, heat strips, thermostatic expansion valves, etc…

Rooftop unit

Rooftop units are also often known as air handlers, and as their name suggests, they’re a large HVAC system that is placed on a rooftop in order to moderate temperature of a large space. Inside the big boxes that you see on top of office or apartment buildings are a blower, heating and cooling elements, filter racks, and chambers and dampers. All these elements are connected through a duct system that will then dispense the air through the building.  

Water source heat pump

Water source heat pump is a bet for those who are interested in sustainable cooling or heating solutions. Though these pumps are quite unpopular, its efficiency to maintain proper cool and heat by taking advantage of the moderate temperature of the earth increases its popularity.

Packaged HVAC

Packaged air conditioners look like a rooftop unit, but are designed for domestic use. Where window and mini split air conditioners are good for small room cooling of up to around five tonnes, central air conditioning systems are designed for loads in excess of 20 tonnes. For that reason, the packaged air conditioner has been designed to accommodate the needs of anyone who fits between those two frames.

Split system AC

A split AC has got the components deployed in different areas. It comes in two varieties called a mini-split system and a central system. Central systems are ducted systems that are designed to cool around and are able to provide multi-zone temperature control capability through the use of air-louver-control boxes. This is good for spaces that are used infrequently, and they can be ‘switched off’ when nobody is using the space so as to save energy costs.

Ductless System

The ductless or mini-split air conditioner is designed for small arrangements like a single large room, or multiple small rooms. In the mini-split arrangement, the compressor and the heat exchanger can be placed separately allowing for greater flexibility in use. These systems are designed for home use and fit into the consumer mass-consumption model and are easy to install.   Choosing the right systems makes a difference. When it seems that you need expert consultation on HVAC requirements In Kuwait, you can rely on the expert services of Advanced Services – the leader in HVAC solutions. Making a consultation to helping clients to choose the systems to implementation, service, and Maintenance, the experience they have is second to none. Simply rely on their services for total HVAC solutions in Kuwait.